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hhpberlin Prüfgesellschaft für Brandschutz mbH

Do you need an examiner for your fire protection certificate or fire protection concept? Would you like specialists who are also familiar with reliefs and deviations?

We are test engineers and test experts for preventive fire protection. We are experienced specialists, have extensive knowledge of laws and regulations and are very familiar with reliefs and deviations.

Our particular advantage: We have extensive practical experience in realizing construction projects. That's why we know what moves you.

We would be happy to support you and bring you a significant step closer to your building permit.

In Germany there are 2 ways of commissioning - sovereign or private law - in both cases we certify that you have complied with all building law requirements.

The officially appointed test engineer works independently and without instructions. He is subordinate to the technical supervision of the highest building supervisory authority or the authority designated by it and performs the building inspection task on behalf of the building supervisory authorities.

When commissioning the test under private law, we are commissioned directly by the client and make you an offer for your construction project.

If you have any questions about the fee calculation, please contact the Federal Association of Test Engineers for Building Technology in advance

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gunnar Buhl

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gunnar Buhl

Prüfingenieur für Brandschutz in Schleswig-Holstein.

Dipl.-Ing. Margot Ehrlicher

Dipl.-Ing. Margot Ehrlicher

Prüfingenieurin für Brandschutz in Berlin und Brandenburg. Weitere Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte: Thüringen.

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Klinzmann

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Klinzmann

Prüfingenieur für Brandschutz in Schleswig-Holstein

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Dahlitz

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Dahlitz

Prüfingenieur für Brandschutz in Berlin und Brandenburg.

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Thiemann

Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Thiemann

Prüfingenieur für Brandschutz in Berlin. Weiterer Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt: Brandenburg und Sachsen.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Zehfuß

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Zehfuß

Prüfingenieur für Brandschutz in Schleswig-Holstein. Weitere Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte: Niedersachsen.

Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Foth

Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Foth

Prüfingenieur für Brandschutz in Berlin und Brandenburg. Weiterer Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt: Bremen.

Dr. (Univ. Rom) dottore in architettura Ansgar R. Gietmann

Dr. (Univ. Rom) dottore in architettura Ansgar R. Gietmann

Prüfsachverständiger für Brandschutz in Bayern. Weiterer Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt: Rheinland-Pfalz, Hessen Saarland.

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